Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Girl on the Train Book Review by Emma Bova

Over the summer, students were required to choose a book off of a list to read and eventually participate in a book chat about it. I chose the book The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins.

The Girl on the Train is set in present day London, where the main character, Rachel takes the train from Ashbury to London every day attempting to keep up the act that she still had a job when in reality: she is an alcoholic, she lost her job, has no money, and no husband. In Rachel's daily adventures, and the change in perspective, we find out a lot about Megan and Scott, the couple whom Rachel has been spying on, and Anna, the girl that Rachel's ex husband Tom cheated on her with.

As the book progresses, Megan goes missing and Rachel finds herself getting more and more involved in Scott's life, and in Tom's and Anna's lives. She begins to ponder whether or not she was involved in Megan's disappearance. Rachel does not remember anything that happened that night, because she was wasted and eventually passed out. Soon it is months later, and nobody knows where Megan is. Rachel begins to dig deeper into the situation and goes on a mini investigation to find out what happened at all costs, and what Rachel finds out is shocking.

I highly recommend this book, it always keeps you on the edge of your seat and you always want to keep reading more. It is a thrilling book, that is excellently written, and is a wonderful use of changing perspectives. Tomorrow there will be a school book chat about the book we chose, and students will get to discuss what they thought of their book.


  1. Great review! I hope you will post a follow-up about the book chat. Looking forward to observing a great discussion about the book. Ms. Hassenplug

  2. I love this review, Emma. You gave just enough information to make us interested without giving anything away!
