Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Welcome to our Blog! By Mrs. Danielle Kopp

Thank you so much for taking the time to read our blog! This blog is an experiment from a 10th grade Honors British and World Literature class.  My goal is to allow each of my students a chance to produce published work multiple times throughout the year.  Their task is to write about something related to our class or to reading and writing in general.  The students have carte blanche to use their own creativity and have fun with their blog posts.  A new blog post will be added by a different student each day and each student will end up posting about once a month. The students chose the blog name and created the design as a group.

 I hope that you enjoy reading our blog and that you comment on posts that you find interesting or exceptional.  I know that all my students would love and appreciate seeing comments on their posts.  This blog is also a great way for parents, guardians, family members, and friends to stay up to date with the topics we are studying in class. Please feel free to sign up for email notifications so that you will receive an email when a new post is added. 

 My hope is that this blog will be a place for students to thrive as writers and that they'll enjoy the process!  Thanks for stopping by! 

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