Friday, December 9, 2016

Holiday Poem By: Erin Lyden

There has been so much talk about the holiday season, I cannot help but get more and more excited! I have decided to write a poem about the excitement and anticipation I felt as a young kid towards Christmas and the holiday season.

Gifts from the heart,
and works of art.
Acts of charity,
and signs of clarity.

Grateful and blessed,
It is heartwarming to digest,
the crazy traditions,
and beautiful musicians.

An hour at church,
my heart begins to lurch,
thinking of sleep and snoring,
and to then wake up Christmas morning.
Of beautiful visions wrapped in a bow,
and stockings hanging nice and low.
Of half eaten cookies with a letter from St.Nick,
I always knew he would do the magical trick,
of sweeping down the chimney without making peep
and I could not thank him for all the gifts laid out in a heap.

I still had a smile from ear to ear,
due to all the Christmas cheer.
The laughing and singing
with chiming bells ringing.

Once again Christmas is here
and soon in the sky there will be reindeer,
helping to shower down the gifts
as every child's heart begins to lift.

1 comment:

  1. There is nothing better than being a child during the holiday season! ~ Mrs. Kopp
