The following advice is based off the social experiment survey we constructed in class. After asking multiple subjects of all ages "What do you look for in a relationship?" I was able to come to this conclusion...
'Reelin' em in'
The key to attracting any type of friend or partner is appeal. People should enjoy your company and even crave it. Positivity is one of the most attractive features of any guy or girl. Most of those seeking a new relationship like to be around those who make them happy, can put a smile on their face, or make them laugh without trying. Now you're probably wondering how to accomplish these tasks, and the answer is quite simple but a bit cliche. Just be yourself!!! There is nothing more important than that. As stressed in every Disney Channel movie about teen love, you want to find someone who is compatible with your true self not who you pretend to be. However, also keep in mind you want to be sure you present your best self! So put on that smile, and make sparks fly. The happier you live your life the more good will come your way!
'Keepin' em Hooked'
A perfect example of an argument being resolved |
Congratulations! You have successfully baited your target and have started a relationship. Hopefully, you both want this to last and in order to do so, you both need to put the effort in. No one said it was going to be easy, but the formula to a healthy relationship isn't really all that complex. There are only a few main rules to follow when maintaining the connection. Sure, you could listen to a playlist of love songs for 75 years straight without replaying the same one twice, but they aren't all that different and most desire the same three concepts:
Trust, Security, and pleasure. To start, many subjects stated they preferred to be with someone they trusted and felt comfortable opening up to. Sharing personal information can lead to beautiful connections between two individuals but if one is not trustworthy, it can result in disaster. With trust also comes loyalty; everyone wants to know their partner will choose them first and over anyone else without a thought. We all know there is nothing worse than realizing you are the second choice of the one you put at the top of your list. So be sure to put your partner as a priority throughout the day. Another factor to trust is honesty. Being honest with the other person can prevent future arguments by putting issues on the table for discussion before a problem occurs. This leads to the next point which of, security. Couples and close friends are going to argue it is inevitable, but keeping an open-mind and understanding the other person's' intentions will help you move passed the disagreement. Discussing how you feel is so crucial to making any relationship last. Don't be afraid to speak up for yourself and say what's on your mind! Working through a dispute will strengthen the connection and allow for growth. Knowing the other person will always be there for you and always try to find solutions for you, is a big part of the security aspect. If you guys cannot compromise, the compatibility between you two may not match as well as you thought. If you aren't happy at least 60% of the time you're together, you may want to reconsider your decisions. This relates directly to the final phase of pleasure. Unfortunately, there is also a playlist of heartbreak songs you could listen to for 75 years with no repeats because relationships are not easy and they are certainly not always bright and cheery. There will always be negatives, but if there is one rule to base these guidelines off of, it would be to make sure the positives always cancel out the negatives. Make sure the good always outweighs the bad. And do not -I repeat- do not, settle for something that does not give you the pleasure you desire.
Disclaimer: If these instructions do not result in a marriage I cannot be held responsible
I like the voice in this piece! ~ Mrs. Kopp