Thursday, December 15, 2016

My (sort've) Grown Up Christmas List Grace Sander

I asked my father last week what he wanted for Christmas. He says to me, "Just good grades and some kind words." I always assume that he is just joking to not sound greedy. I roll my eyes and turn to my mom and she says, "I don't need anything, I have everything I want." So at this point I'm yelling at them for a tangible item not some bogus Lifetime movie sentiment. It wasn't until this year I really began to understand it. Don't get me wrong, I'll never pass on a big box with a sparkly bow on top but that isn't what I desire this year. When I was five I didn't think of the thought behind a gift or prices, all I was thinking about was Is that box a Wii or dollhouse? The idea of Santa Claus was still instilled in my brain, the artificial magic was enough to last me all December. When I was ten I was beginning to doubt that it was really Santa Claus in red velvet climbing down my chimney, but instead my dad in gray sweatpants trying not to trip while tip-toeing down my stairs. So when Santa left he took a little bit of the magic along with him. I over compensated for what I thought I was lacking by thinking that gifts were what mattered. I had to make sure that I got my neighborhood best friend the perfect gift so she wouldn't be disappointed and that I had more homemade ornaments than my brother. But here I am, fifteen with ten days til Christmas, and I haven't made a list of material objects because I honestly do not care. As we get older we realize that the things we really want can't be wrapped up in festive wrapping paper because what we want as adults isn't physical. We want well being for ourselves and loved ones. We want to feel the warmth and overwhelming excitement that we did as children because our lives have become so drained of simplicity, that a holiday legend can't sustain us. It's not necessarily what is under the tree but looking up at the stunning ornaments that shine in the light or the jolly faces of a sibling tear apart the wrapping on their present. So this Christmas, take a look around and realize all of the incredible people and moments in your life present and future, because that is what will remain long after the tree is taken down.

1 comment:

  1. Very true. As you grow older, you do realize that "stuff" no longer matters much at all. ~ Mrs. Kopp
