Thursday, December 22, 2016

Why I Hate New Years by Chloe Caldi

New Years is a holiday that is enjoyed by many people of all ages. Because it is shortly after Christmas, it contributes to the overall spirit of the holidays, and is the beginning of yet another year. Unlike a lot of the people I know, January first is my least favorite holiday. Yes, that's right, I hate New Years. Hate it. I would never consider myself a grinch or scrooge, I love Christmas and all holidays in general. However, New Years has always been an annoyance to me, and overall depressing, for a plethora of reasons.
First of all, my parents don't like the holiday. They used to own a bar, and therefore are hyper sensitive to alcoholics (also due to a dramatic family history - buying a bar was probably not their best business venture). They couldn't stand the people who would come out late December 31st and get hammered; cutting people off is not a fun thing to do. Since a very young age (probably 4) my sister and I would hear the many stories of men who would frequently get into bar fights (that my dad was responsible for breaking up), women who would drink excessively and then attempt to drive their children home (my mom used to give these kids some ice cream while the police were dealing with their mom), and young adults who were kicking off their newfound freedom by guzzling down drink after drink. These stories were told to let us know that that was not who we wanted to be, and that none of those late nights spent at a bar were worth our physical and mental health.
Despite disliking the holiday, my mom worked it every single year. Every New Years as a kid was spent without my mom, who (to her dismay) had no choice but to work. It was always depressing, although both of my parents still tried to make it fun for us. In spite of my parents' effort, I don't hold many fond memories of this post-Christmas event.
I also despise New Years resolutions, because most of them don't stick. Someone might work harder at what they're trying to improve about themselves during the month of January, but not many are able to stay with it throughout the year. It might sound cynical of me, but I think people should cut it out, and make the changes they want to see in themselves at any point in the year. My mom is a big believer in a "get up and go" attitude, and I suppose I feel the same way.
Although my reasoning for disliking the holiday that is the beginning of a new year is quite possibly overwhelming, I do believe it is fair. Sorry January First, I don't think you'll ever be my favorite day of the year. Either way, sitting around in boredom is never fun, so this year I'm trying something new. My parents have enthusiastically agreed to allow a bunch of friends to come over to celebrate. Before my night time celebration, I am volunteering to help work at a daytime party for senior citizens. Giving back and ending the night with friends and family is a positive change to how I have previously spent the holiday. I am hoping to turn around my attitude towards this holiday, and enjoy myself and time with my friends and family. I don't think New Years will ever be my favorite holiday, but I'm going to attempt to greatly lessen my dislike of it.

1 comment:

  1. We had such a good time at the New Year's eve day party, so I think you have a good chance of turning things around! ~ Mrs. Kopp
