Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Bravery and Strength: Then and Now
Bravery and Strength: Then and Now
Recently, our class has been learning about many Greek mythologies and heroes. After reading these epics I have noticed a major difference between the Warriors of that time, and the people of the 21st century.
Greek warriors often showed their strength and bravery through violent fighting between one another. Battles that would often lead to the death of one fighter, were used to prove one's glory. Today bravery and strength are not always related to the physical aspect of one's abilities. Bravery is celebrated when one stands up for what they believe in and stands firm even in the face of other's opinions. Strength is admired when sacrificing for others, or surviving through the death of someone close to you. People are not labeled with these honorable characteristics by tearing someone down, but by building them up. Encouraging people to be their best, while taking care of themselves at the same time. 
In the Iliad, Hector and Achilles fought to the death in an attempt to avenge a friend’s death. The Greeks, although mournful of the loss of Hector, looked up to Achilles for his glory. He won the battle and was now seen as an even greater warrior. Today, had two men decided to fight to the death, the winner would be seen as a murder and punished for his crime. In modern times, bravery and strength is as much about inner strength as  it is about physical strength, a person having mental toughness is as highly regarded as one having physical toughness. Our world is full of many modern day heroes today, doing their best to make the world a better and safer place. People's interpretation of being brave and strong has drastically changed since the time of the Greek mythologies, and I believe our world has become better for it.

Erin Lyden

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