Monday, November 28, 2016

Make Some Memories by Eve Curras

     This past Friday, my family and I embarked on the adventure of a lifetime.  It was on a warm and sunny morning that we entered that happiest place on Earth, residing in Orlando, Florida.  And no, it was not Disney World.  We entered a fantastic place of magic and discovery, home to nerds alike, Harry Potter World!
I first began reading the Harry Potter Series when I was seven years old.  I have no shame in saying that Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley were my first friends.  Even from a young age, I greatly admired Harry's bravery, Hermione's wit, and Ron's absurd humor.  For me, going to Harry Potter World was like visiting my long, lost home and friends.  
     We embarked on this wonderful journey just one day after the day of gratitude, Thanksgiving.  I thought I should share this story simply because spending the day with my family taught me to truly value that life is about experiences and making memories.  On Black Friday, while other households were in the malls, buying mere possessions that are only temporary, I was having one of the best day's of life, making memories I will surely never forget.  (Jeez... Harry Potter World should have me write their adverts or something...). 
     The most memorable experience I'll take from my trip to Harry Potter World would be my trip to Olivander's, the wand shop.  Everyone who's read Harry Potter knows that when Harry first goes to Olivander's, he tries 3 wands.  The first two wands he touches are reckless and destructive, but it is the final and third wand, made from that of a Pheonix's feather, that is ultimately chosen.  This wand is also connected to that of Lord Voldemort's, foreshadowing what is to come.  
     When I first entered Olivander's, I had no idea what to expect.  Only thirty people were allowed in the small, dark room, lined head to toe with hundreds of different wands.  There was only one source of light, a dull glow emitting from a small lantern on top of what could only be Mr. Olivander's desk.  Suddenly, Mr. Olivander appeared on the staircase.  His accent, although horribly fake, was remarkable.  He looked down at the people standing before him, welcoming us and telling that there were two in this very room who were to be chosen.  Suddenly, he points to my brother, Ben, standing behind me.  "You!"  He yells in a loud, bellowing voice.  "And you,"  he lowers his finger to me, narrowing his eyes.  "Come closer."  We walked to his desk, grins plastered on our faces.  He asked us our names and if we knew each other.  After stating we were related, he asked who was the youngest.  Unfortunately, that's me.  It is a cross I had to bare.  "Well, Eve, how about we let you go first for a change?"  I was completely fine with this idea.  After scouring the shelves, he finally selected a small, black box.  Gently taking the wand from the box, he handed it to me.  "Now, Eve.  I want you to point at that wall over there, and when you do so, give your wand a flick and say "wingardium leviosa."  I felt as though my entire life had been leading up to this moment.  I'd peaked.  As I said the words and flicked the wand, the contents of the shelf flew in every direction and landed in an ugly mess on the floor.
     "Perhaps not,"  muttered Mr. Olivander, taking the wand from me.    He then gave my brother a different wand, this one I noticed was much more to my liking, and told him to ring the bell on the opposite side of the room, using his wand, just once.  No spell was necessary.  As Ben did so, the bell rang an alarming amount of times.  "No!"  Olivander yelled, frustrated.  "This just isn't right."  Suddenly he stopped.  "Hm, I wonder."  He narrowed his eyes, looking between my brother and I.  He then took the wands and gave the one I had to Ben, and his to me.  Suddenly, triumphant music began to play and a blast of wind hit Ben and I.  I am not exaggerating when I say we looked just as Harry did when he first touched his true wand in the picture below.
     Ben and I were ecstatic, as were our parents.  Of course we bought the wands, after all, they were chosen for us.  Or as said in the books, "Harry, the wizard does not choose the wand.  It is the wand that chooses the wizard."  I urge all those reading this post to realize that possessions and "things" are only temporary.  There is so much in the world to explore and discover.  So, get off the computer, or whatever device you are reading this on, and go outside.  Who knows, maybe you'll discover something magical.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun trip! My sister is obsessed with Harry Potter and she has been dying to go to Harry Potter world! I have to share your story with her.~ Mrs Kopp
