Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Fall Mornings by Grace Sander

Fall Mornings

The most horrid sound in the world is the buzz of an alarm clock. It is the universal signal that one must face the new day, no excuses. I just wish there was a strip of sunlight to crack through my shades. So I begin to remove my cloak of blankets, trying to make it as quick as ripping off a bandaid. As I trudge to my bathroom I make the same silent promise to myself to go to bed earlier and not coax myself into a Netflix marathon again. The door handle feels cool to my fingers sending a shiver down my spine. I look at myself in the mirror while my eyes adjust to the cruel light. On top I’m wearing a t-shirt that must have been free from a goodie bag and a pair of faded gray sweatpants that remain a permanent staple on my bedroom floor, hang right below my waist. It is not cold enough yet to break out my heavy-duty flannel pajama sets but I’d wake up shaking if I was wearing just an oversized shirt and shorts. My outfit is representative of the autumn weather itself, the perfect inbetween of Summer and Winter. While brushing my teeth I contemplate wearing my sleepwear to school. I shake my head in disapproval and spit into the sink leaving a blue/green blob. By now I am more awake but still craving the warmth and protection my bed provides. Although I set out an outfit the night before to make my life easier, I rip my drawers apart and begin to try on several combinations but end up choosing the original ensemble. It is an army green turtleneck paired with (tasteful) ripped jeans. My feet are hidden in my Fall staple, rust colored riding boots. I put on my usual makeup, just enough to make my eyes pop and conceal my blemishes and I stomp downstairs. The boots make an annoying click sound and I hope it doesn’t bother my peers while walking in the hall all day. I think about making some pumpkin coffee to put me in the fall mood, but I look at the time and realize that I don’t have time to indulge myself in such festive beverages. I rummage through the coat hooks to find my jacket covered by those of my family and I walk out the door. I look to the ground to watch my feet step on the leaves and wait for the crunching sound. By the time look up again I see the sun peeking in between the red and orange leaved trees.


  1. I found this to be so calming and so true. I felt like you were almost describing my life!!

  2. Well done. A truthful portrayal of our early mornings! ~ Mrs. Kopp
