Monday, January 23, 2017

Benefits of High School Abroad by Carly Piniaha

    Doing things alone can be scary, whether it be something little like going into a store alone or as big as traveling alone. Though each experience we go through like these make us more independent and self-sufficient. High schoolers are at a point in their life where they are starting to learn what it is to have both these attributes. Studying abroad is a great opportunity for students to develop these skills. You have to rely on yourself rather than your usual home support system. Studies have shown that living abroad in high school increases both confidence and maturity. All parents want the best for their kids. To go out into the world and be able to thrive. By having the lessons you learned through your time abroad you can do just that.
   The inclusion of studying abroad on your college applications can also help in the time of college admissions. Admission boards love the words "leadership" and "global" and studying abroad can fit into both categories. Types of abroad programs can even be service projects that are student lead, which also shows community service. Studying abroad shows you possess knowledge of other cultures and can effectively analyze and solve culturally sensitive problems. Moreover, knowing a foreign language can make your application stand out among others. It shows you take academics seriously. And the only way one can become truly fluent is to be immersed in the language. How does one become immersed you ask? studying abroad!

   Not only can you boost your admission chances, you can receive college credits for courses taken overseas! Taking the initiative to get college credits while still in high school further show your respect for academics. Sure, AP classes are great to take to get college credit. Me personally? Well, I would rather get college credits while strolling through the streets of Spain or France than sitting through an AP exam I'm not even sure a college will accept. So what are you waiting for? The whole world is out there for the taking if you would just open yourself up to new experiences. Make new friends you would have never made without leaving the country! Try new things! Studying abroad will open doors in your life you never even knew existed.

1 comment:

  1. You make some very convincing points in this post! Studying abroad has to be one of the most interesting experiences, but I would be so nervous to do it on my own! ~ Mrs. Kopp
