Monday, January 30, 2017

Why you Shouldn't Procrastinate by Emma Bova

        As a habitual procrastinator, I've learned over the years that putting things off until the last minute is not always best. In fact it might just lead to you wanting to pull out all your hair and having a mental breakdown a twelve o'clock A.M. while you're struggling to finish all of your assignments that you've been completely and utterly aware of for at least two weeks. At the time, you may think something like "eh, I'd rather watch Netflix," or "eh, its not even due tomorrow anyway," however, when the night that you need to buckle down and finish your work comes, you end up having a panic attack and wish you had just gotten the assignment over with (currently what I am doing at this very moment in approximately four classes). So, if anyone needs some helpful tips on why procrastination is the origin of all evil, read below :).
        If you're typing an essay, ideas probably won't automatically start flowing onto the keyboard; you're going to need some time to plan your essay and gather details to make your essay the best it can be. If you put a writing assignment off until the last night possible, it might take awhile to think of an idea or a topic, lessening your time to actually type it even more. Additionally, the less time you have to finish an assignment, the more rushed the assignment will feel to anyone who is reading it. That is why taking time to plan out an essay is always best; save the last night for last minute revisions to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling errors.
        You could run out of time! Nowadays in our technologically advanced world, many classrooms use google classroom, which is essentially a website by google that allows teachers to post assignments for students online, and set them due for a certain date and time, so basically a classroom online (hence the obvious name). Remember back in middle school when, if you forgot to do your homework the night before and you were afraid of getting your butt whooped by the teacher your were terrified of (cough, Mr. Pergola), you'd simply do the homework during lunch and nobody would ever know that you didn't actually do it the night before, but now, if the work is turned in past seven o'clock A.M. it's late. No going back now. You just have to sit in a pool of your own shame and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Big thank you to whoever created google classroom (not against saving paper, but it makes life very difficult at times).
        Two words: sleep deprived. Now, many teens are sleep deprived for other reasons besides staying up and doing homework, but if you look at a fellow like me with no social life, I am most likely tired because I waited until the last minute to do all of my assignments, and was up until one A.M trying to rush through it all. The average teens need about 8-9 hours of sleep a night, and (speaking from my personal experience of falling asleep in biology whenever I had it first period last year), teens usually can not and refuse to focus if they are not functioning on enough sleep. Not to mention, grumpy. So do yourselves and everyone else a favor and, do your homework early, get it out of the way.
        If anyone can guess, this essay is being directed towards myself, as I am currently writing this at the last minute, with five other homework assignments to do. However I can say that I learned a good lesson while typing this and I hope anyone else who reads this does too, because procrastination will truly make you a very stressed out and unhappy person. And think, if you get your work done early, you can relax and just watch everyone else stress about that work while you're sitting there like "ha ha... I already finished, have fun with that." And you will truly feel like the most powerful person in the world.
Image result for procrastination

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