Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Power to the She: A poem by Grace Sander

She was on the ground
She was exhausted
She was hopeless
She was done
Done doing so much
When it only resulted in so little
Done with trying so hard to be perfect
When it only highlighted her imperfections
Done with the rising above
When it only gave such a height to fall from
So she just stopped
She Stayed in bed, ate her feelings, and cried
But the blankets could only make her so warm
The food couldn't consume her hunger
And the tears dried every time 
She unwrapped herself 
She put a lid on it
She got a tissue 
And she got up
She decided that everything she did would be important
She decided to regain the hope that was lost for so long
She decided she was good enough
She was energetic
She was faithful 
She was ready
Ready to go out there and fight for what she deserved
But most importantly
She wasn't done 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is so powerful! Sometimes we feel knocked down and have to drag ourselves back up, but it is always worth it! ~ Mrs. Kopp
