Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Annotation by Kamryn Foster

Alright, y'all. I did it again. I didn't keep my word. I'm so sorry that I didn't write on Friday. So here I am, trying to make it up to y'all. I suppose I didn't know what to write about, until today, when Mr. Johnson said something in class that struck me.
He said something along the lines of it being a good habit to highlight quotes in books that you like. Now, I've been doing this since summertime, but I thought of it as an interesting thought, since it came from an adult. Did he only mean to annotate books that you were studying or doing an assignment for? If not, then why would you highlight a book that you'd be reading for enjoyment? Now, I'm asking these questions from the viewpoint of people who don't really care about reading or English in general, and an example would be my family. They don't truly appreciate anything about the subject, so they think it's weird when I do this with my books; they think of it as doing more than what you have to do, kind of like doing a chore. But that's not it at all!
Sometimes you find yourself reading a book and something strikes you - whether it be a 'life-lesson' quote, a word you don't know, or perhaps just amazing description about something, and you feel the need to make that prominent. You can simply do that, and it'll be there for you when you go back to it when you either reread it, or when you go looking for that one quote that changed your perspective about something. It can be as little or as big as you want it to be. That's why I think books and just writing in general is art, since you can take it as deep as you want, and because you can get something new out of it every time you read it. I think that's absolutely fantastic.


  1. Not everyone will understand what you are saying here, but I do! I love to highlight words that mean something to me and sometimes I even just take a picture of the passage with my phone. I have a whole file on my computer of them! Keep collecting words! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. Highlighting and annotating is a a great habit and something I've only gotten into recently (for shame). I think it is especially important to do this with books you read for leisure as what you are actually doing is holding an ongoing dialogue with writers and their characters. Good for you Kamryn! --Mr. Johnson
