Monday, February 13, 2017

In Honor of Valentine's Day by Madison Levinson

I feel like having a blog post due on Valentine's Day is a blessing in disguise. Yes, I am sitting in my room alone writing a blog post on one of the most adorable holidays of the year. However, I have an obvious and interesting topic to write about. I could write this blog post about the history of Valentine's day and the portrayal of Valentine's day in literature. But I am not going to do that. Instead, I will be writing something a bit more creative, a love letter. No, I will not be spilling any juicy and dark secrets, so if that's what you came for you can stop reading now.

A heart of roses because what else
screams Valentine's day more?
I know for anybody reading this that I talk to on a regular basis, I can come off as cold and heartless. I often don't think about what I have to say and I also generally value logic over emotions. So yeah, I come off as bitter and cold. But every so often, specifically on this wonderful day of love (AKA my favorite holiday of the year), I become not so cold and people realize I actually have a soul. So in this blog post I will be writing a letter from my somewhat thawed heart.

Dear the things I love,

As I just stated, I know I can be heartless and mean. But, when I'm not being sarcastic and obnoxious, I am so thankful for every single one of you. I love my parents for constantly believing in me and being proud of me, no matter how big or small the accomplishment is. I love my friends for being so brutally honest and bringing me back to reality when I need it the most. I love my teachers for giving me the education so many others could only dream of.

I don't always realize how truly lucky I am. I know I constantly complain and get nerved out about the smallest most insignificant things. I know there are people who have it worse than me and would kill if their biggest problem in life was getting a 90 on a test. I am so truly thankful for the life I have been given. I am a girl who grew up in a wealthy house who got practically everything that she has ever asked for. But besides the materialistic aspect of my life, I was given a holy grail. A wonderful education in a suburban New Jersey town that will prepare me for my life. I also have a wonderful support system of family, friends, and acquaintances willing to risk it all to be there for me.

I could continue and talk about all of the other things and people in my life that have sculpted it into the masterpiece that it is...but no matter how many words or analogies I use, there is no other way to sum up how much I love everything I have better than the words
"Thank you".

Thank you,
Madison Levinson


  1. Madison, you have such a great voice as a writer and you are very self aware for someone so young. I loved your love letter to the things you love and yes, you are very lucky, and I'm glad you are taking advantage of the great opportunities you have gotten in life. --Mr. Johnson

  2. This was a very nice and heartfelt letter and I'm glad that you appreciate the amazing life you have. I'd love to see more of this softer side of you! : ) ~Mrs. Kopp
