Monday, February 6, 2017

They Say It's Red by Juleanna Green

They say anger is red. No, really. Go look it up.
And that’s a valid point.
But what about the other anger?
The blue anger?
The anger so cold you feel your insides shrivel when you have it.
The anger so cold you feel your stomach freeze when it’s directed at you.
The anger so cold that those consumed by it get frozen over.
The anger so passionate that it cuts like a shard of ice in the fresh snow.

They say love is red. But what does that mean?
Sure, that’s one kind.
But what about the other love?
The purple love?
The love so special that it blossoms throughout you, like the wildflowers in your yard.
The love so special that it is not one thing, but rather a mix of many.
The love so special that it is not so abundant in nature; it’s saved for the special circumstances.
The love so deep that only purple can satisfy.

They say passion is red. Because it shines so bright.
Which I can understand.
But what about the other passion?
The green passion?
The passion so strong that it launches itself to where it needs to be.
The passion so strong that it is hazel eyes, when filled with excitement, and desire, and emotion.
The passion so strong it grows tall and branches out, reaching for its purpose.
The passion so soft it feels like the grass between your toes on a Spring morning.

They say energy is red. Like sparks.
And that’s beautiful.
But what about the other energy?
The yellow energy?
The energy so radiant that it transfers to other people, just at the notion of it.
The energy so radiant that yellow flames licking at its prey could not do it justice.
The energy so radiant that you have the power of the sun, moon, and stars behind you.
The energy so electrifying that there is nothing else you could possibly be doing.


  1. I love this nod to the colors of our lives! Well done! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. Great poem, Juleanna. Emotions aren't quantifiable and if they were we'd be closer to robots than humans. (Please consider submitting this to "Beginnings".)
