Friday, February 24, 2017

Quotes by Grace Sander

It has come to my attention I had a blog post yesterday, so my apologies everyone that this was not posted sooner!!

I'm a HUGE fan of Pinterest. I am on it so much that I have actually been told I go on it more than my friends mom, who he thought had a little bit of an unhealthy obsession to begin with. Nevertheless I will never stop using it for as long as I live.

My favorite thing about the social media site are the quotes. I could(and I do) spend hours looking at all of the philosophical sentences with unique fonts with pretty backgrounds behind it. I send them to my friends when they are having a rough day, pin them on walls in my bedroom, and post them on other social media accounts. But recently I've been thinking a lot about what the universal obsession with quotes are. I have come to a few conclusions. Quotes get passed on through social media, meaning hundreds of people look at one quote and they either like it, pin it, re-tweet it, etc. It didn't register with me until recently that it meant someone is going through the exact same thing I am. That someone has to understand me because they wrote a quote that immediately resignated with me. As humans we just want to fit in, often our insecurities and situations tend to make us feel isolated from the rest of the world. But in the time that it takes to scroll down to that quote, validation settles in and its like, "Hey what I am feeling is normal and guess what I am not the only one that is like this."  Quotes let us know that someone went through exactly what you are going through and they came out of it stronger and wise enough to give you the advice you need. Quotes are like having that motherly advice in fifty different ways and its always accessible.
Lastly, quotes are perfect for those who can't put their feelings into words. It is instant relief when you stumble upon your jumbled up thoughts into an accurate and coherent statement that you can just point to or screenshot and feel better.
I know this was all over the place but I am really enjoying writing on this blog so I want to make it as natural for me to write on as possible and for those of you who know me I'm kind've always all over the place when I'm taking. So in spirit of this post I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes, and I think I will continue to end every blog post with a picture of a quote that relates to what I'm talking about. Thank you for reading and I hope anyone reading this knows how special they are and what they feel is valid.
                                                   Cheers, Grace


  1. Grace, I'm glad you chose to write about something that interests you so much. As you said, quotes are a great way to feel human connection and give you words when before you had none. Nice job! --Mr. Johnson

  2. I also love quotes and Pinterest! Are you sure we're not related? When I read quotes I can just feel the words pulsing through my body- I love it! ~ Mrs. Kopp
