Thursday, October 6, 2016

Desks are important too! By Owen Welsh

      Desks, everyone uses them, and if you're like me, then you want the best desk possible, preferably one next to a heater or with some sort of beautiful view of nature, you get the picture. So naturally both my curiosity and interest were piqued when Mrs. Kopp mentioned new desks were arriving, my mind dared to hope for one of the new whiteboard desks. Acquiring one of these new desks was merely step one to achieving ultimate comfort while in my English class. Three more factors had to be considered; people, location, and view, allow me to elaborate on each of these. First we have people, which mainly boils down to who will be with you at your desk or in close proximity, I would want to stay near to the people I started out sitting with, as they don't smell badly and I can't confirm that for any of the other students. Moving onto location, this is simply where the desk will be placed, there are three good locations for a desk; by the door, by a window, and by a heater. Each of these three locations offer their own individual services for your pleasure, being by the door means being the first one out when the bell rings, usually a very critical thing to have, however I don't have to travel far for my next class so it doesn't really matter. Next on the list is having your next located near a window, it seems like a no brainer to have that beautiful view of the Sparta High School parking lot,    but I maintain that it would be a distraction in the long run, so being by a heater is my preferred option for those cold winter days. Finally the last factor is view, so what constitutes a good view of the teacher, and the board at large? Well there is a few things to consider, such as distance and the height of people in front of you, ideally I would be at the centre back, not too close to be constantly called upon, not too far to able to properly see. After considering all these factors, I realized that the perfect location was to the west as I walked into the room, now this desk already had inhabitants and the new desks had already been placed elsewhere, so I'll have to settle with taking the best chair in the room and sitting at my normal, whiteboard-less desk.

Image result for Quality brown school desk
 A picture of a beautiful, whiteboard-less desk.

1 comment:

  1. Well done, Owen! You have presented great voice in this humorous, but true, piece and I look forward to reading more of your writing!
