Poseidon is the Greek God of the Sea and protects all aquatic animals. He is the brother of Zeus and Hades. After their father, Cronus, was overthrown, the three brothers split up the universe. Poseidon became lord of the sea, and sailors relied on him for safe passage. He has an imposing and strong figure with long blue hair. He owned two palaces; one at Mount Olympus, and one glorious palace at the bottom of the ocean floor
Poseidon was known to be very moody, and vengeful when insulted; he blinded the son of Odysseus, the cyclops Polyphemus, when Odysseus insulted him. He also loved to cross seas on a golden chariot surrounded by dolphins.
He was the god responsible for in-explainable events at sea, such as saved ships, and drowned lands. His trident was so powerful that it could shatter rocks and cause earthquakes.
Being married to Amphitrite, Poseidon and her produced Triton, who was half human and half fish because Amphitrite was a Nereid (a sea-nymph daughter of Nareus, the old man of the sea). However, Poseidon and Medusa conceived Pegasus, the flying horse, which is one of many mythological creatures. He was also the biological father to Polyphemus, Orion, Pelius along with many others. Despite being married to Amphritrite, he attempted to pursue his own sister Demeter. When she refused him by turning herself into a mare, he transformed himself into a stallion to win her over and together they had Arion, a horse.
He looks fierce! ~ Mrs. K