Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Weekly Vocabulary Assignment Review by: Erin Lyden

In Mrs.Kopp's Honors English 10 class we are required to record twenty vocabulary words every two weeks. Only a few weeks into school, I have found that this assignment is very helpful and beneifical. Often, when I am reading there are multiple words in the text that I have never seen before. This assignment has encouraged me to take the time and research the definition of these unfamiliar vocabulary terms instead of carelessly making a prediction of what the word could mean. Not only has this clarified the meaning of the passages I read, but it has also allowed me to grow as a writer. Recently an English essay was due in this class and I could already see the change in my writing. The more mature language helps me to capture what I am trying to convey more specifically and effectively. I enjoy taking the time to see how large and complex our English vocabulary truly is. Overtime, I am anxious to see how long my list of vocabulary terms will grow to be  and how I incorporate those terms into my essays and everyday conversations. :) 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you're finding the vocabulary practice beneficial! It's so important to try and acquire new words as you approach the SAT and college. I like your open minded approach to this topic also!
