Tuesday, October 25, 2016

English Class: A Poem by Kamryn Foster

Writing and reading; reading and writing.
Filled with kids who have a passion and are finding.
Others who think the same way they do,
Who are not mathematically inclined, the studies say it's true.

Supposedly we're taught to take a test and get the answer right,
But to this system I will forever fight.
Let the kids be creative and express themselves, I'll say
And the Board'll say no and keep the subject at bay.

English is the class where you can actually think for once
And in this room you won't hear grunts
For we all enjoy the period where you can be yourself
And let your creativity show - so go ahead and grab a book off a shelf.


  1. This makes me very happy. Keep reading and thinking!

  2. Yeah! I'm so happy that you feel this way. Thinking is good for the soul! ~ Mrs. Kopp
