Saving Lives One Quarter at a Time by Carly Piniaha
Mrs. Doubtfire saved my life. I'm sure you've seen when Robin Williams performs the hymlick in one scene to his ex-wive's boyfriend. Though I don't really remember this scene well, I give thanks every day that it exists. At four years old, you do some pretty dumb things. There is an extensive list of cringe-worthy, horribly, stupid moments throughout my childhood, but one particular memory tops the list. Long ago, I was trying to balance a quarter on my nose, while laying down. And on top of this being dumb enough to leave my mouth open. At the time the only one home was my sixteen year old sister who was in the shower (great babysitting skills Nicole, love you). This quarter ended up lodged in my throat and and I stumbled down the hallway to find my sister as my face turned blue. Thankfully she was out of the shower and was able to save my life by giving me the hymlick. Now my sister is no doctor, in fact I think she would weep at the sight of blood. But because of her ablilty to retain information from a movie, that scene from Mrs. Doubtfire was my saving grace. Just as I started to lose consciousness, she squeezed me hard enough to unlodge the quarter and send it flying. So here I am, to say to all children everywhere, do not balance a quarter on your nose. Unless your sister has seen Mrs. Doubtfire, then feel free to trifle with death.

What a beautiful, comical story! Thank you for sharing!