k the halls, but rather, smiles can be seen everywhere. At some point in our life, we all might say "sorry, it's this weather that's making me sad," and we are not wrong, as here are 4 ways the weather scientifically influences your mood.
1. A Lack of Sunlight Can Make You Sad
A lack of sunlight can cause Seasonal Affective Disorder. Appropriately known as SAD, this mood disorder usually affects people from October through April when daylight becomes more scarce. When exposed to less sunlight, your body produces more melatonin, the hormone which makes you feel sleepy. And just as your body begins craving mid-day naps, your brain begins producing lower levels of serotonin — the neurotransmitter that affects mood, appetite, sleep, and sexual desire.
2. Cold Temperatures Can Lead to Physical Lathargy
Cold temperatures reduce sensory feedback, dexterity, muscle strength, blood flow, and balance, which can impact your performance of complex physical tasks.
3. Sunlight Makes You Spend More Money
Researchers found that exposure to sunlight is associated with higher levels of spending. Since sunshine makes us feel more positive, consequently, it also causes us to shop more.
4.Being Outside Can Improve Your Memory, And Boost Creativity
Researchers from a 2004 University of Michigan study found that people who spent at least 30 minutes outside during periods of pleasant weather reported improved mood, memory, and openness to new information and creative thoughts.

I hope this raises your spirits a little, so be sure to get some fresh air and enjoy the smell of spring while it lasts :)
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