Monday, April 24, 2017

Spring Brings a Good Change

Erin Lyden

   Spring break brought me a week full of relaxation and fun with my friends and family. The warm weather is approaching and the end of the school year is new. Over the past week, I have noticed the change Spring brings along. Not only in the weather, but in the overall mood of the people around me (and myself). This poem is my representation of how Spring brings a form of happiness!

Spring time is here,
meaning the end of school is near!
Flowers are blooming,
and Summer is looming.

A warm breeze rolls in,
as I break out my "warm clothes" bin.
Goodbye to the bitter frost,
Winter you can now get lost.

The beating sun now glows on my skin,
and the buttercups shine yellow on my chin.
A few days of rain will not make me feel pain,
for the approaching warm weather makes me feel light as a feather.

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