Saturday, April 29, 2017

Why I Hate Social Media by Grace Sander

Warning: You might experience several direct quotes from your Grandfather/anyone born before the creation the cell phone.
I hate Twitter. I hate Snapchat. I hate Instagram. I say that but at the same time, I am currently switching between those apps. So I guess I don't hate them, but I don't exactly like them either. Recently I have taken several “social media cleanses”. It is actually weird to say that. I've discovered just how toxic social media really is. That every picture, every status update, and every tweet just ruins us.
When I have told friends of mine about how I deleted the apps to get away from cyberspace they say “Good for you!” as if it is an accomplishment or something the average human can't do. But I guess it is harder than it seems. I'm a lucky one. I don't need social media. Yes, I am nosy so I love seeing who did what this weekend, yes I have accepted people I barely know just to gain a few more followers. But I can stop, I have. In the past two-three months I have deleted the two social media apps that I find the most harmful yet my most used(don't count Pinterest) Instagram and Snapchat, at least once a week. Then the next funny questions I received the next ridiculous statement,”How are people going to talk to you”
I hate how social media defines us. That every like or favorite triggers an endorphin in our brain similar to seeing a loved one or after exercising. The fact that we feel invalidated if we don't get a certain amount of likes on a pixelated image of us and our dog. Perfect example, ladies and even the gentlemen we post a picture on Instagram and we really like the way we look in it so we hope that that special someone will acknowledge us and agree with what we already feel with a mindless double tap. And for a few seconds we feel loved and validated. Then even quicker we zoom into the picture to see if it is noticeable that we airbrushed out a pimple or the way a picture looks worse the more we stare at it. Oh and then there is the flip side where if that special person doesn't like the photo, our heart shatters. We are ugly and should just delete it. I remember when I was in sixth grade and I hit 100 followers on Instagram my reaction was crazy. I think that when I actually sat down at my dinner table and my father asked me how my day was I said amazing because I hit triple numbers on Instagram. “Ugh I’ve only gotten 120 likes in my first hour of posting, that's only two likes a minute”
I hate how social media is a competition. That it isn't even about sharing our lives anymore, it is one big competition. Every Snapchat story is the same. Who is with more people? Who is having more fun? Who has the best life? Everyone is trying to out do one another. That half of the reason of going out isn't about seeing friends and just relaxing, it is for the pure satisfaction of saying that you went out. Streaks? Please someone answer me this, what is the point of having a 146 day snap streak with someone you barely talk to but it is part of your daily routine to Snapchat them, for what? So you can tell people you have a 146 day streak whoever? And if you don't have streaks, than you must not have friends or must be boring. That nobody wants to talk  to you. ”If you didn't post a story did you really go anywhere?”
I hate how nobody can speak to each other anymore. I personally don't like texting, yes it is great if you want to tell your mom you are out of shampoo or let someone know you are on your way to pick them up. But me, If I am trying to make plans or tell a story I can’t deal with waiting for someone to text back. The world of texting as made it so that nobody has to answer anything if they don’t want to. If that random kid wants your math answers and shoots you a text, you can pretend that you never got the text. There are things that shouldn’t be left to a text. An argument, a heartfelt message. People need to hear the words come out of your mouth, see the tears stream down your face, and give you a hug the minute you have amazing news. Why do we feel the need to compress all of our excitement with a text or Snapchat.
I hate the way social media hurts us. My favorite thing ever is a cryptic caption. Example, a couple breaks up, so to remind Girl posts selfie, maybe a little more skin is shown or more makeup worn just to remind boy of what he is missing. Boom, cryptic caption that is indirectly but obviously geared towards one person. Then let's talk about finstas or fake Instagram accounts. They have become a place where bad mouthing other people is completely normal and expected.

So this is why I dare everyone to take a break from social media. Find ways to share life's moments without emojis. Enjoy the parties and date nights not because it makes for great Snapchat material. And whatever you do, do not relate your self worth to your highest liked photo.

Cheers, Grace

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