Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A True Photo Gallery in the Life of Alyssa Stouch

As you all already know, in class we have been working on our 'journey journal' assignments. For my journey I chose to take a picture everyday of something I appreciate that I usually look right passed. I tried to make my photos capture the weather and tone of the day I took it while also demonstrating the emotions I experienced that day. However, not all my pictures came out so beautifully...and so I decided for my final blog post I would present a photo gallery of all the lost images from my journey that will never be posted on social media or displayed in any public place. I would love to explain why but I feel these photographs speak a thousand words on their own...
I attempted to take a nice photo of this ancient sculpture but...
 I tried to take a cute picture of my dog but he was a little too tired..

Spot my sister...

It only gets worse from here...

"If you're happy and you know it clap your hands"

This one features our classmate Eve in her finest attire ;)

...Okay let that sink in for a bit. Wow I cannot believe I am actually posting these. 

The one thing I love about pictures is that they never lie. You can paint any scene you imagine and write with specific details, but a picture is always true because it 100% happened. So yeah my life is not a perfect picture but it's okay because this is way more fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it's pictures like these that hold the best memories! ~ Mrs. Kopp
