Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Live Life to the Fullest by: Jillian Parks

"Philippines declares martial law as army clashes with ISIS-backed terror group"

"Terror Alert in Britain Is Raised to Maximum as ISIS Claims Manchester Attack"

"The US and North Korea: From mutual praise to threats of nuclear war, in 10 years"

We are living in a world with constant war, fighting, tragedies. So many precious lives are lost every single day, and yes, we have to live with it every single day. These recent attacks and threats dig holes into our very souls, yes, because we cannot face the thought of losing a sister, a brother, a friend, a daughter, a husband, a wife or whomever may be dear to us. The terrors drill and drill until we feel as though this may not be a world we want to face, as we are too afraid of what might happen if we step out into it. 

But I believe that we cannot let these attacks and threats shape the course of our lives, because I believe that we need to make sure to live life to the fullest, because if we were to live life in fear of getting a disease, getting shot, getting bombed or even getting broken-hearted, then the life we would live would not be the one we want. Sure, you may feel safe, but would you ever feel excited? Sure, you may have saved yourself from heartbreak, but what if you were to have found a person that made you feel ten times happier than you were before? I think we need to make sure of challenging ourselves throughout life, because even in the small chance of possible death, we know that we would be dying doing something worth while. If we keep our hearts locked up, we may never know what could have been in store for us had we just let someone in. 

The most recent attack, as most everyone certainly knows, is that of Manchester. Our hearts may never heal fully from the attack, and even though I am truly and deeply heartbroken and feel awful for the lives lost only a few short nights ago, I am even more afraid of what may happen after. I am afraid that fans will no longer attend a concert they have been dreaming and saving up for since they were ten. I am afraid artists may not give everything they've got into a performance because of a very small, insignificant feeling that their concert could be the next attack. Or even worse: a performer not showing up for their concert at all. I am hoping that this incident has not shaken the rest of pop culture, because where on earth would we be without Friday and Saturday night concerts to let us let go into music and sound that we have a passionate love about? Again, who was lost a couple nights ago, as well as in the Philippines, will never and should never be forgotten because the world should not be this cruel. But sadly, we have to remember that it is, and there will always be antagonistic and dreadful people who walk the earth. So the only thing we can do is not let it define who we are. 

We need to stand tall and proud. We need to keep selling out at concerts and sing our hearts out with no fear. We have to walk the streets of London with our heads high, showing no signs of weakness because there are so many good people. So many more good than bad, and we cannot let that small portion stand between us and the life we want to live.   

1 comment:

  1. Some beautiful advice on how to keep on living in a world with so much pain. ~ Mrs. Kopp
