Friday, May 19, 2017

Cinquains by Julia Flake

As we have been on the topic of poetry recently in class, I decided to try to write some poetry of my own. The following are cinquains, which are only five lines with a specific structure.

Small, Bright
Addicting, Entertaining, Exciting
Destroyer of activity 

The first line is a noun that will be the subject of the poem. The second line is two adjectives that describe the subject. The third line is three -ing verbs that have something to do with the subject. The fourth line is a phrase that is 8 syllables. Lastly, the fifth line is a noun that is similar to the subject. Here is one more example:

Warm, Wet
Swimming, Eating, Boating
No more school work to stress about

These are just five simple lines that do not take that long to write. Poetry can be easy if you let it! Try out some poetry of your own!

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