Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Failure of the Education System by Kamryn Foster

Something has been on my mind a lot recently, and since this is an outlet for my rage, I'm going to force y'all to read it. Let's talk about the U.S.'s education system, and how it's all a game.
I think that schools have turned the beauty of learning into a forceful environment of memorization. Nobody cares about the idea around topics, but the facts. Having tests that aren't open-notes are basically making you memorize the facts, not learn them. To me, there's a major difference between the two. Ever heard of studying? You're memorizing, not learning. Let's also talk about grades. Grades are the worst thing that schools have ever done, in my opinion. A student that has straight A's does not have to be smart. They may be smart, but by just having those grades doesn't make that for you. All it proves is that you're good at memorizing; you're good at playing the game. It infuriates me when people think they're smart and they're not. As for me? I don't have straight A's, but I know I'm smart. Being intelligent is about thinking your way through a situation and being clever, whereas grades only determine how good your memory is.
Alright, my rant is over. Thank you for your time, and I'm so sorry you had to read this.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up some good points. I'd love if you gave some ideas on how to fix this! ~ Mrs. Kopp
