Monday, May 22, 2017

The Day I Decided To Not Ding Dong Ditch Anymore by Thomas Mortillaro

It was early after school, around 3:25. I was a still an adolescent at the age of 14 in eighth grade. I decided to go and ride my bike with my friend Matt down the street. It was an average day and we decided to add a bit of excitement to the ride. We stopped at this old house and we came to a decision to ding dong ditch it. I know it sounds childish but I haven't been really disciplined or tought a lesson by an adult stranger before no matter how sketchy it sounds. So i we went to the door, and it was dead silent except for the leaves crinkling beneath our feet. Our hands were shaking the entire time and once I tapped the ancient doorbell we ran as if we were being chased by Jack Nicholson in the shining. We hid behind this rock with dirt and unknown leaved were protruding from. It was silent for about a minute and we checked for someone very discretely, and right when we peaked, an old man was slowly searching for us. This was so unexpected our giggles turned into gasps and our stomachs having butterflies. a moment later, he peaked over us and we were stuck in our tracks and tried to run but he told us to stop politely. After sending our apologies the old man told us about how he used to this as a kid and that we should know to not do this in such a neighborhood with many old people. He said that they don't usually go outside to see things happening, and to get up to a dumb thing like this really grinded his gears. After leaving, we talked (Matt and I) and made a pact to never ding dong ditch again.

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