Monday, May 22, 2017

Journey Journal Assignment- Erin Lyden

Journey Journal Assignment

Recently, we have started a new assignment called “Journey Journal”. This assignment requires students to choose a new task (such as working out, sitting at a new lunch table, trying new recipes, etc.) and perform it everyday, for twenty days. At first, I was not overly excited with this project because it is the end of the school year and I am losing motivation to do any work these days. In the end, I decided to take my dog for a walk everyday throughout this twenty day assignment. It has only been a week, but I am already loving the assignment and the relaxation it has brought me. It is a nice break from the load of paperwork and studying I am normally assigned. My mom has joined me a few times, which normally would not be a good thing, but in this case it has been nice to have the time to ourselves. I have thoroughly enjoyed taking the thirty minutes out of my day to not think at all, just walk. It is  also fun to be with my dog because she is the cutest ever. Unfortunately, today it is raining so I will not be able to go for my walk, but I look forward to going on an extra long one tomorrow.
I am really enjoying this new assignment, and would definitely recommend the idea of trying something new for a period of time. It can be surprising how much you enjoy it, and find yourself more motivated or relaxed.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you are enjoying your journey! But, half of this post can't be read! ~ Mrs. Kopp
