Monday, March 20, 2017

A Fictional Diary Entry from the First Day of Spring
by: Sara Nigro

March 20, 2017
Dear Diary,

Today was the first day of Spring which excites me because it reminds me of new beginnings and a fresh clean start kinda like New Years!! Even though cleaning my room is on the bottom of the list of chores I'd like to do, starting over and cleaning out my closet at the start of this season doesn't seem to bother me as much as usual. After it's all over it actually feels like a nice cleanse and that I have given myself a clean slate to start on. Speaking of clean slates, the end of the marking period at school is nearing as well. This is my favorite way to start over because the very beginning of the marking period means that you can do well and not be worrying about bringing your grade back up or keeping it at a certain letter. 

Also, Spring means that holidays such as Easter and Memorial Day are just around the corner and when it's time for Easter it is also time for Spring Break! I haven't made any plans yet so I'll need to remember to put that on my To-Do list later. Usually I spend time with family, meet up with my friends, and take the time to relax and enjoy the changing of seasons. Hopefully this year I'll get to do the same but not die of boredom when my family and friends are too busy and I've watched Netflix more than I can handle hahah.

But honestly, my favorite part of Spring is the nature side of it all. Beautiful weather slowly transitioning from 30 degrees up to 70, the trees growing back their green leaves, and tulips and daisies sprouting all over town. Just the sight of life growing back and waking up from hibernation fills me with so much happiness I can't even begin to explain it. I can finally play sports outside, walk around town with my friends, and get ice cream!! That reminds me, since it's the first day of Spring there were tons of places offering deals on cold treats since their stores were reopening today. Even though the line was out the door, my friends and I went to Rita's Ice and got free ice today and it was delicious. I'm going to start writing in my diary more often to keep myself on track and also look back on significant memories or days. :)

a girl in love with spring

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