Thursday, March 16, 2017

A Poem About Snow by Madison Levinson

As I was deciding what to post for my blog post I had a realization. I have never written anything creative and meaningful. My only blog posts are wildly sarcastic, opinionated, and full of rants. So I made the decision to write a hopefully wonderfully delightful poem. Considering I am sitting in bed on a snow day writing this it seems fitting to make the poem about snow. So here I go...look I'm a poet and I didn't even know it! (Sorry, I'll stop now). 
Actual picture of my backyard

Fragile and white.
Tears from Angels that fall in the night.
Dancing and twirling to the ground.
Landing on rooftops without a single sound.
Crisp and cool.
A prime suspect in the possible cancellation of school.
Small white ballerinas falling to the floor.
Building and building until I can't open my door.
Snowmen and sled tracks litter the street.
Without hot cocoa this day would not be complete.
Hearing the sound of the children playing.
Maybe there will be no school I wind up praying.
Repeatedly checking the Woroworld Blog.
Just wanting to spend the next day in bed eating like a hog.
Watching the accumulation on climb.
Oh, a relaxing day at home, what a wonderful time.
Warmed by the fire, watching the flakes fall.
Waiting anxiously by the phone for the school to call.
That wonderful "All Sparta Schools will be closed tomorrow"
And in no students heart was there an ounce of sorrow.

1 comment:

  1. There truly is something magical about snow days and WHAT would we do without Woroworld? ~ Mrs. Kopp
