Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Jack Before The Crash by Carlie Wilson

While reading the Lord of the Flies, I thought it would be interesting to look into the life of Jack before the plane crash. I decided that for this month’s post I would write a diary written from Jack’s perspective just days before his trip. The entries will not only show the everyday life of Jack before the island, but also reveal the meaning behind his behavior in the book.

Dear Diary,
My name is Jack. I am 12 years old and will be starting the 7th grade soon. I am writing in this diary because my mum and dad have decided to send me and a few other boys in my school choir to safe grounds until the war is over. I thought I would be a good idea to get a head start on writing about my life before the trip just in case I never come back and forget it one day.
Today after school I went straight Saint Pauls Primary School to pick up my little sister and walk her home. My father usually walks us home at 3:00 everyday, but ever since he got sick things have changed and mum says that I have to learn to be the man of the house. When we arrived home I made Emma and I a snack. My mum had just finished giving my father his medicine and I could hear his deep cough coming  from the next room. She always encourages me to go see him when I come home but I’d rather not to be honest, unlike Emma who runs to him as soon as we arrive home.
I found out at school today that I would be the official boys choir leader. It didn’t surprise me because my mum has always told me that I am a natural leader and when I put my mind to something it’s a guarantee that it will be done. When I was younger I often got in trouble for starting exclusive clubs during recess. Teachers would complain that I was exhibiting dictator-like behavior. I, however, don’t understand why it was such a big problem. In the real world there is always going to be someone on top, it’s just up to you to get there.

Dear Diary,
Emma took my stole my diary last night after she had seen me writing in it. I told her to give it back but instead she began to read out out loud and run around the our tiny living room. I told her that she would be sorry for embarrassing me and that I would get her back one day. I decided that day would be today. When she was off talking to dad I snuck into her room and ripped off the legs of her favorite stuffed animal. The ripping of the stuffed piglet only felt good for a short moment but when I was through I looked down at it and immediately regretted what I had done. I found a perfect hiding place for the pig inside a cupboard in my bedroom.
At dinner today Emma asked mum if she had seen her toy. When I had heard how upset she sounded I suddenly didn’t feel guilty about ripping the animal apart. Instead I felt like I had won and I liked that feeling a lot. As the new man of the house it was my responsibility to do the manly chores like take out the trash feed the dogs out on the porch. Although ever since the war started mum stays out and watches me, which doesn’t make me feel manly at all.
In a few days I will be on my way to America. I am very excited to leave but the thought of leaving behind my family is a bit scary. However, at least I’ll know that I will be safe. Mum and dad have been preparing me for this trip and I think that I will be ready in just a few days time.

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