Thursday, March 9, 2017

World Thinking Day... And A Rock by Juleanna Green

World Thinking Day is a Girl-Scout-wide celebrated holiday. As a worldwide organization with bases in over 92 countries, Girl Scouts consists of many people of different cultures, races, religions, etc. That is why we have World Thinking Day, which is basically just what it sounds like; a day where the entirety of Girl Scouts from around the world think about a common theme. This year, the theme was “grow.”
Like many ideas, the term “grow” can mean different things based on where you live and how you were raised. To some, it could be literal; growing/planting living things to liven up a park, or help those in need of food. To others, it could be internal; growing as a person and expanding your views. To us, it meant making a ridiculous story that “grew” off of a word.
Basically, what happened, was that Catherine, Brianna, Alli, and I wrote four or five words on individual slips of paper; the words had to be ones that we associated with “sisterhood.” We put them all into a bucket, and each had to pick one out and add a sentence to the story, including that word. While it was insanely fun, the story itself isn’t all that great. But it was more about us working together and having a good time, “growing” as a group, than it was about us making a comprehensive story. I have typed it below (the underlined words are the word from the slip of paper):

This is a story of friendship. It tells of girls’ unity. And the powerful things they can create. Where every girl is safe with each other. Where everybody loves each other.
Forever ago there was a little girl named Suzy. Suzy had so much hope for the world and what people could do. She believed the most inspirational thing she could do is start by helping with something small. She knew it would make her character stronger. One day she went on a very intense journey. Helping others and animals. It was quite peaceful as she walked on her very merry way. But she decided she needed a co-captain of her friendship-ship. And her solution was right in front of her. She saw the love radiate from it. With the kindness of her heart she picked up the medium sized rock she had been looking at. She was the most inspirational rock she had ever met, and they decided to be co-captains together. He was strong-willed and had a good sense of direction. And a beautiful heart. The future of their journey is tough, but Suzy and her rock friend will get through it together. They lived together for many a year, and once Suzy went to college they joined a sorority and became as close to their new sisters as they did with each other.

As you can see, while it does not lack in creativity, it actually is probably the most ridiculous story ever told. But, like I said before, it’s not about the story, it’s about what we got from it (side note, the order of who wrote which sentence was me, Catherine, Brianna, then Alli, and it continued to circle in that order until we reached the end).

I think this is an excellent for me to have had to post, too, on International Women's Day. Because empowering young girls is how we pave the future. And that's a major goal of Girl Scouts; to inspire girls to work for what they want in life, and to "grow" into inspiring and kind women.

World Thinking Day is celebrated on 22 February every year.


  1. What a great idea to consider just one word for that day. Girl Scouts is a great program! ~ Mrs. Kopp

  2. I like the idea you captured here about the fun and memories involved in creation being more important than the creation itself. Also, go for you Gold Award. As an Eagle Scout, it will be something you can be proud of for the rest of your life. --Mr. Johnson
