Monday, March 27, 2017

Masks by Grace Sander

They are our favorite wardrobe accessory. No matter how busy we are, we always remember that one essential item. Every single one of us wears a mask everyday without even thinking about it. It's become habit, hiding our true selves to the world. It is like a suit of armor to protect ourselves from judgement and to remain guarded. Whether it is the physical mask of makeup we wear to cover up our flawed skin, the letter-men jacket to hide our insecurities, or just the classic "I am fine" because we don't want to burden those around us with our problems. Our masks define who we are, some of us feel more ashamed of ourselves than others, the less of a mask or less frequently it is worn says a lot about our self confidence.

Masks change based on who we are with. There is the friendship mask, worn when with a group of friends and you just really want to fit in . The family mask, maybe a little less swearing and overall being on your best behavior because we are fearful of punishment. In recent years, the social media mask. Where we get to to truly choose what everyone sees. A contest if whose body looks better, who partied the hardest this weekend, and who really has the numbers. You could be sobbing, but you end up posting a throwback picture from a fabulous beach vacation a few months back to let the world know you are okay, because it is better to keep up appearances than be honest.

We all have something we would like to keep hidden from the world. Everyone asks me what it is like to be so out there and so open about who I am. But the truth is, I am just like everyone else. I put on a mask everyday. But I take it off. Some forget that you don't need to be guarded and fake around everyone you meet. There is no greater bliss on this planet than being free. Free from others expectations and the pressure to wear a mask because everyone else is. So I challenge anyone who reads this to take a step back and figure out what you project into this world. Is it making you happy? Or are you exhausted of hiding?

                                                    Cheers, Grace

1 comment:

  1. YES! Very true! I wish it wasn't so hard to take off our various "masks." ~ Mrs. Kopp
