Sunday, March 5, 2017

Don't Stress -Emma Bova

        Chances are, if you're stressed in your classes, so is everyone else. You can't let it get to you though, because this kind of stress is unhealthy. People have no idea about the possible side effects of stress on the body, and would find that many of these side effects are caused by being restless and stressed out. In this post, I will enlighten you on how stress can effect you.
        Some common effects of stress on your body would include headaches, fatigue, stomach upset, and sleep problems. Usually if you are stressed out, you're most likely up late doing homework and not getting enough sleep, which messes with your sleep schedule. Try getting your schoolwork done earlier in the day, or scheduling a study hall as well as writing your homework down.
        Stress can affect your mood too. It can make you angry or sad, and it can leave you feeling extremely overwhelmed, which almost everyone has probably experienced before. It can also make you anxious, and you'll find that you are lacking motivation to do anything. These mood changes can result in overeating or under eating, angry outbursts or social withdrawal.
        Many people think that managing their stress means sitting around and watching television or playing video games, but this is not the case. In fact, this can result in worse side effects. To manage stress, try active activities, such as sports, or yoga. Be social and associate with your friends and family, because they are always there for you and will always help you in a time of need. Maintaining a healthy diet is beneficial and drinking a lot of water as well in order to keep a healthy body. Try listening to music and making time for your hobbies, and you will be an overall happier person, and just remember; you are not alone! Everyone is stressed at some point in their life, and everyone goes through what you are going through. And sometimes I like to think, "is this going to matter a month from now?" When the answer is no (it usually is) you will realize that the majority of your stress is unnecessary.
        School stresses everyone out, so there is no need to fret. Some helpful hints would be to try and get your work done as soon as possible, and be sure to get enough sleep, and you will be a happier, more carefree living person for sure!
Image result for stressImage result for stress

1 comment:

  1. Stress is such a difficult issue for everyone these days. I like that you gave some good ways to handle it. Most things won't matter a month or a year from now and that's a good way to determine if you should worry or not! ~ Mrs. Kopp
