I need to get away. I need to get away from the cards that I have been so unfortunately dealt and I need to find peace away from these barbaric beasts that I am supposed to call my companions. In the far distance, I hear the little boys' shrieks of laughter as they have wrestling tournaments and "who can lift the heaviest log" contests. I can't help but wonder if I'm the only sane one here--as sane as you can be, at least. In all fairness, crash landing on a deserted island may drive you a tad wacko. Nonetheless, I trail off from the group seeking some well needed silence and rest.
I mosey my way through the brush, gently pushing branches aside, minding my force so I do not break them. I ironically think about that one question that people always ask you, kind of like a personality test, the "if you were trapped on a deserted island, what three things would you bring with you?" Now that I am actually living through the situation, I realize my answers change quite a bit. I wish for a book, I wish for a bathtub, maybe some soap and a fresh pair of clothes. Seems silly, but living among savages can sometimes take a toll on you. I chuckle to myself.
I plop down in a small clearing and put my feet in the creek. I watch as the water smoothly glides over the rocks and my feet and I listen to the babbling sound it makes as it rushes downstream. I can finally relax. I deeply inhale and the air smells of dew and honey. I take in the lush scenery around me and notice the vibrant colors of the flowers surrounding the creek; there are sizable red and yellow flowers the size of my hand, and peewee purple flowers bunched together and scattered around the clearing. A deep green blanket of moss covers everything: the trees, the rocks, the soil. There are tiny golden flecks of sunlight shining in random spots that managed to make it through the heavy, dense trees. This is a place of serenity.
I give in to the heavy weight of my eyelids and listen nonchalantly to the sound of the birds chirping and the leaves rustling as a slight breeze blows through. I position myself so a ray of sunshine is shining down on my face and I feel the ray warming my skin and tanning my face. "I sure hope nobody finds me here," I think to myself. They would no doubt demolish this place of beauty. My thoughts trail off as I let myself doze off in my state of relaxation, and I am content.....
.....For five minutes. I am suddenly and rudely awakened by a splash of startling cold water to the face. The next thing I know, I am being scolded by Piggy for "slacking off" as he drags me back to the beach. I trudge unwillingly behind him.
I love that you wrote from his perspective~ Mrs. Kopp